January 9, 2016

My Favorite Part of Being An ABDL Mommy

As an ABDL Mommy, it is very important for me to take care of my babies. I love to take care of them in every aspect of their day. Whether it is, being a nurturing Mommy by spoon feeding them breakfast or breast feeding them a snack, a fun Mommy by blowing raspberries on their bellies and making them giggle, or a stern Mommy by giving them spankings and putting them in time out when they misbehave, there is no part of my day that I just don’t love. I do have to admit that there is one moment out of the day that I love the most. I count the hours down during my busy schedule until the best part of the day comes and I can bask in it. It is truly my favorite part of being a Mommy, and no it’s not the glass of wine I have after I put baby in the crib. It’s the moment right before nap time. Right before a nap, Baby will crawl up on the couch and lay his head down on my lap. I place a pacifier in his mouth to suck on. As he sucks away, I use my long fingernails to gently comb back his hair and scratch his head. I do this repeatedly, gently across his scalp. He slowly drifts asleep in my lap and his adult pacifier falls out of his mouth, rolls off the couch, and hits the floor. I know I’ll have to wash it later, but I don’t care. I love hearing him breathe rhythmically as he naps away on my lap dreaming of whatever his innocent mind can dream of. That is my favorite part of the day, my favorite part of being his Mommy. It is the ultimate trust and love that I know he feels for me that lets him sleep away. Mommy Susan 888-430-2010
January 5, 2016

Snuggle up!

Good morning sweet ABDLs! Welcome back to Nanny Ellas Nursery! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, full of love and hugs, cuddles and spankings, and of course diaper changes. I don’t know about you, but it is *freezing* where I am! I was so happy to have so much time with the sun and warmth. I got to dress in my lighter hoodie footie pjs and sit in the sun. I guess I can’t complain, since I have replaced those thinner onesies with thicker, warmer fleece ones, with lots of fun patterns. If that doesn’t keep me warm, well, I guess I’ll just have to find a few little ones to snuggle with, grab some stuffed animals, some pillows and blankies, and have a slumber party in my ABDL nursery! What are you doing to keep warm on these cold nights? I hope that your Adult Diapers are super warm and extra padded to make you feel safe and yummy! Love and Hugs, Nanny Ella 888-430-2010 www.phoneamommy.com/ella.html https://www.facebook.com/ella.madison.980 @nannyellamadison
December 10, 2015

Holiday Present For Diaper Lovers

For those that celebrate Christmas, this can be a very exciting time. What’s not to love about a decorated tree, strings of shiny bright lights, and getting to sit in Santa’s lap? He knows if your name is on the ‘naughty or nice’ list, so you should be on your best behavior if you want lots of presents! Indulging in fun diaper fetishes doesn’t put you on the ‘naughty’ list, just so you know.  Wouldn’t boxes of diapers under the Christmas tree be an exciting surprise? Maybe handmade cloth diapers, lovingly stitched by Mommy. Or thick disposable diapers with cute prints! Why stop at diapers though? A stocking by the chimney is the perfect place for Santa to leave pacifiers, teething rings, or small cookies for good abies to chew on! Mommy would help you enjoy your presents by changing you into a new diaper and letting you look in the mirror at how nicely it fits on you. Maybe your kinky Mommy would get presents of her own that you could help her play with.   Call Mommy Lauren at 888*938*7382 for phone fun!
December 4, 2015

Birthday for Baby!

There’s a special adult baby who’s birthday is coming up! How fun would it be to have a ab/dl of my own? I can imagine all the celebrating we would have! I would blow up colorful balloons and string them up in the nursery. Maybe even tape streamers to the walls! And what’s a birthday without cake? I would even make it myself. Lots of frosting and sprinkles, and candles. My baby would be sitting in their highchair when I come around with the big cake, and singing ‘happy birthday.’ I would let them try to blow out the candles, but I might be sneaky it they’re having trouble. There’s no way that my ab won’t make a mess with the cake. All that fluffy frosting and crumbly cake would go everywhere! Presents wrapped in shiny paper with curls of ribbon are next up for the birthday baby. What could be in the boxes? Perhaps a big stuffed doggie. Or a kinky toy for mommy to use on bad babies! Call Mommy Lauren at 888*938*7382
November 28, 2015

finding a Mommy

The internet has made looking for people to play with so much easier. I could not imagine how difficult it must have been to be an adult baby looking for a Mommy. The idea that someone would have to seek out another person to play with and have to approach someone in such a discreet manner, only to see if the person will reject them . I am often thinking about where people would meet in the past. Were there ads in the paper? Would people have to buy special magazines? They would have to worry about their privacy being violated. Now it is so easy, you can log in literally anywhere in the world, do a basic search and find someone to play with. It leaves someone like me a bit spoiled, that all of you are is literally a click away, but you and I know Mommy is a phone call away.  In the U.S.A and Canada call 888*938*7382 International callers please call 714*442*2402 Michelle
November 12, 2015

Diaper Phone Sex

It’s a fetish that started a long time ago.  You have explored wearing a disposable diaper in all types of different scenarios- lounging around the house, going on a long car ride, sneakily while sitting at your desk at work. These situations are all fun but you want more. Recently you were alone at home, wearing a diaper, and playing around on your computer. An accidental click brought you to a porn website, and the feeling of the cushioned diaper against your erect cock was amazing. You couldn’t get your hands down into the diaper to properly masturbate so you rocked back and forth, letting the friction of your naked skin against the soft lining of the diaper bring you to climax. You can’t remember a time when you were as aroused as that moment! The perk of the diaper was there was nothing to clean up, just a quick change. It’s time to step it up a notch. A nurturing and sexy mommy is waiting besides her phone, wanting to help you enjoy your fetish to the fullest. Call Mommy Lauren at 888*938*7382
November 4, 2015

Diaper Change with Mommy Barbie

When my little aby has a stinky diaper, there’s only one thing on Mommy Barbie’s mind. Let’s get clean! I lay by aby down on the changing table and pull off his little pants (and plastic diaper cover, if he has one). Then, I lift up his little ankles over his head and pull the messy diaper out from under him. After that, I like to take some nice warm wet wipes to clean off my little boy’s bum. After I’m sure that I’ve gotten all the mess off, I’ll dry off his bum, and rub on some lotion before patting on some nice, soft baby powder. After that, my little aby is ready for a brand new diaper! I’ll pull out a clean diapy and open it before lifting by aby’s legs over his head and slipping it under his little bum. Then, I’ll strap it on nice and snug so that nothing leaks the next time that aby makes a mess.       —Barbie <3 888-430-2010
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