March 13, 2022

Let Mommy Tell You A Story

    Mommy has lots of abdl stories she could share with you, but mommy’s choice for tonight is involving abdl humiliation.  And what is more so, than a grown adult being turned into a diaper baby.  A helpless little one that needs a mommy to take care of all their necessities. Mommy takes you and strips you completely naked, no need for those type of clothes anymore.  As you stand there blushing and trying to cover yourself, your new mommy takes and leads you into the bathroom.  Mommy points at the toilet and tells you that you will no longer be using the big potty.  As you begin to ask why, mommy leads you back into the nursery. Mommy takes you to the changing table and you see all the packages of diapers, baby wipes and containers of baby powder.  Mommy smiles as the realization dawns on you as to why you won’t be using the potty anymore.  Mommy lifts you up onto the changing table and tells you to lay back and stay still. Then mommy bends your knees and spreads your thighs.  Mommy takes a cool baby wipe and starts to clean you up.  Lifting your bottom up to get those cheeks and in between them.  Then time to clean between those thighs and the front of baby.  Once baby has been wiped all down then mommy can slide a soft, thick diaper under that cute little butt. And depending on mommy’s mood, a little sissy baby hypnosis might be in order.  Not only will you be my diaper baby, but you will be my pretty little diaper baby sissy girl.  And mommy can’t wait to show off her baby.  Mommy will have so much fun with her little one. Once mommy has you all dressed and diapered, mommy will take you out for some ice cream for being such a good baby for mommy.  Everyone stares and watches as we walk past them, mommy holding your hand as you waddle next to mommy.  Your diaper peeking out as you move. Everyone sees what a diaper baby you are.  Everyone is either pointing at you, whispering about you, laughing at you or taking pictures of you.  Your cheeks are almost the same color as your pretty little dress.  How cute!  Mommy giggles […]
April 25, 2021

Aunt Brenda’s Sissy Baby Training Begins!

“Oh, good morning, dear! You slept a bit longer than I expected, but that’s perfectly all right, babies do need plenty of sleep. I’m sure that this won’t the last morning you sleep away, all tucked away inside your cozy crib. No, no, now don’t you start thrashing around like that, you might wrench something in your shoulders or legs. I was very picky about the straps that I bought for you, they’re extra wide and thick with some very nice padding on the inside of the cuffs. I wouldn’t want you to bruise yourself in some silly attempt at getting out of them, you know, until you come to realize that what I am doing is absolutely the very best thing for you! I am your new Aunt Brenda, and who you are is my sweet baby. It doesn’t matter a bit who you were before, it doesn’t matter what your name was; I will give you a new name. Every baby gets one, after all, when they are just starting out. I think I will get to know you as a baby before I pick your new name. I have been watching you for quite some time, dear, and you are stressed, aren’t you? Stressed and worried and with so many responsibilities on your shoulders. It’s hard, I know it is, and I don’t like seeing you bearing all that yourself. So, I decided to take you away from all of that, and aren’t you the lucky one because of it? I could have picked anyone else, but I chose you.  I’m going to take care of you now, and I know that at first you won’t be all that accepting of the changes your life is going to go through. It won’t be much, a change in environment, some gentle encouragement to behave the way that you should, and just a smidgen of diaper sissy hypnosis. Don’t start with the thrashing again, here, let’s pull down the straps across your shoulders and thighs. I was hoping that you wouldn’t be quite so agitated, but it’s not really a surprise. I know it’s a lot to take in, sweetie. But don’t you worry, I will be here for you every step of the way. You can’t see it right now, but I’ve got […]
September 30, 2019

Abdl DayCare

Katy really didn’t think that she was going to like going to an abdl daycare… it is a daycare, after all. Even though her abdl mommy had kept her in diapers for a few months and she was actually starting to enjoy them, but that was a completely different thing from anyone else seeing her in them, even if they were other babies like her! She was shy at first, but it didn’t take very long before she was playing with the other diaper girls, giggling when the nursey lady changed her diapee, and just having lots of fun! She liked tummy time, she loved naptime, especially the strawberry wafers they all got afterwards as long as they behaved themselves and didn’t come off their personal mats. She still didn’t like to share her toys, though, but the last time she had a tantrum about that she got a spanking at daycare and at home! Would you like to go to daycare too? Call me for some age play phone sex and tell me just what you would like. Brenda 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex mommy! #abdl #adultbaby #diapergirl #phoneamommy #abdldiaper
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