January 31, 2021

Turning My ABDL Babies Into abdl Sissies

Naughty abdl babies have many so many ways to be disciplined and there are so many abdl stories that I can share that relates to all of the many ways I discipline my babies.  No matter what, there so many adult baby diaper lovers that love to be disciplined.  Sometimes when my adult baby diaper lovers are naughty,  I would make sure to force them to dress up as sissies and invite my friends over to the house.  You should see the look of shock and severe embarrassment on the facies of my abdl babies when they open the door and have to stand there looking like little sissies. I would have them serve us for the night like waiters and they would have to wait on us and give us what we ask for.  They would have to kneel on the floor with wine trays on their backs while we took our time to retrieve our drinks. Can you imagine how much abdl humiliation they would have to experience while they kneel and also walk around the living room with trays of food and drinks while wearing frilly sissy maid dresses? To make it even more obvious that my abdl boys are dressed as abdl girls I would go extra heavy on lipstick and blush.  Having their faces overly painted like clowns while donning their hair with bows and clips further adds to the humiliation.  But I know that secretly on the inside, there is a part of all of my abdl boys who are forced to dress like sissies who enjoy the attention.  The humiliation is a sexual turn on an excitement and the enjoy every bit of it. When it is time for me to have my adult baby diaper lovers go the extra mile that would be the time for me to use sissy baby hypnosis. One after the other I would use my sweet and gentle voice to program my sissies to severely wet themselves in their diapers in front of my guests.  They would not know why it was happening but they would not have any control over their bladders and they would just keep leaking themselves while the served food and drinks for the night. After my invited guests’ time expired and it was time for them to […]
December 26, 2020

Teaching My Naughty ABDL A Much Needed Lesson

My adult baby diaper lover set his alarm and got up early to make me a delicious and healthy breakfast.  He knew that I am very careful with what eat so he took that into consideration when he prepared me my breakfast. I woke up to the smell of various tantalizing aromas emanating from my kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and everything was ready for me to consume, but there was a little problem. Instead of waiting for me to arrive before he started to eat, he decided to feed himself first and he was eating with one of his feet on top of my kitchen table. I approached him in utter disgust and I told him to get his stinking filthy foot off of the table. Instead of immediately obeying my command, he responded by telling me that he will do it when he was finished eating.  I knew at that very moment that his naughty abdl boy was going to be punished. I walked over to where he was and took him by his ear and directed him to the floor. He looked afraid and shocked as I told him not to utter a word.  I told him that since he wanted to act as if he was raised by wolves by having his foot on the kitchen table that I would treat him like he does not know any better.  So I took the plate that he was eating and scraped remaining contents into a doggy bowl.  I placed the bowl on the floor and told him to eat out of it like a doggy would.  I told him that since he wants to act as if he does not have proper manners that he will not be given the same rights as one who eats at a table.  He begged me not to make him eat out of the doggy bowl on the floor but all of his pleas and cries were to no avail. I decided to sweeten the meal by dipping my perfectly painted pretty toes into the bowl and I made him lick his breakfast off of my foot.  Once he licked off his breakfast from my toes, I mushed his face with my foot. I pressed against his face in a moderate manner and I moved […]
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