November 21, 2011

dl games

  I like to play games with adult babies and with other diaper lovers. One I really enjoy is about desperation. Who can hold out and keep their pee in the longest. The game is pretty self explanatory but you can add other twists. The last time I played we did it with a drinking game. I can’t even begin to explain how badly I had to pee, but I held so ridiculously long. Finally there was no holding it and I had to tell him I gave up and went pee. The rules that time were that whoever peed first had to wear their diaper for 12 hours no exceptions. I knew what the situation was before I agreed to play but sheesh, I planned to win. Oh well, it was exciting anyway.   Mommy Josie  
November 9, 2011


Poor little peepee pants Sammy. What am I going to do with him? He tells me these hilarious stories about being a man, and about being a big boy who is too big for diapers. That’s not what the wet spots on his jeans say though. Those wet spots to me say I need a diaper, someone please diaper me. If you saw pee pee pants Sammy walking around wet as rain what would you do? He thinks I’m a meanie for saying maybe I should put him in diapers. He has a big diaper fetish though, he’s not fooling me I wasn’t born yesterday. I’ll just keep telling peepee pants that it’s alright and Miss Liz has it under control. Miss Lizabeth
October 20, 2011

Petticoat Discipline : The ROYAL Treatment

DEAR READERS, MY LYRICS WRITTEN BELOW, ARE TO BE SUNG TO THE TUNE OF THE LULLABY ENTITLED “HUSH LITTLE BABY” **************** Hush prissy sissy, don’t say a word, Mo-mmys sick of you act-ing ab-surd… If you’re whin-ing does not stop, Go-nna pin you down and jump on top… If you still keep sa-ssin’ me, Mo-mmys go-nna throw a-way the key… To your hand-cuffs locked up tight, Give in si-ssy you can’t fight… First you will be cor-set-ed, Your tu-mmy will be sucked in.. That’s too bad if you can’t breathe, Guess you should start min-ding me… Act like you are roy-al-ty, Now you’ll dress like it, you see… In Mar-ie An-toi-nette’s dress, And wig, what fab-u-lous-ness! Make you strut your stuff just like, You’re queen of Pa-lace Ver-sailles! You’ve had it co-ming you see, For acting pri-ssy and mean… When you treat me like that slut, Your mouth will then be forced shut.. Pe-tti-coat disc-i-pline works, It corr-ects be-ha-vior quirks… When you’re laughed at, oh so rude, It co-rrects your a-tti-tude… Next comes that which makes me purr, I tear your a-dult dia-per… Then I stick my head un-der, Your dress and you start to sqirm… It turns Mo-mmy on real quick, Play-ing with your sissy dick… Forced to cum deep in my throat, You feel shamed, that floats my boat! Love hu-mi-li-a-ting you, E-ven when you cry, boo hoo 🙁 Per-haps you will act hum-ble, For a while, till you crum-ble… Un-til the time comes soon when, We must do this all again… Till you learn your le-sson son, Mo-mmy will keep having fun;) *************************** With Love To All My Naughty Sissies! *************************** XOXO, Miss Cate 1-888-430-2010
October 18, 2011

Scare Me

  Oh I love Halloween!  I love all the decorations and the macabre.  And I especially love being scared and scaring others heeheeheehee!!  Now this is where being a diaper lover/ABie gets its perks – see, when you get scared sh**less while watching some horror flick or someone comes up behind you and makes you jump ten feet in the air, you don’t have to worry about wetting your pants – you already have a diaper on!!  (That’s going on the list of reasons to wear a diaper – check!!)  Well anyways, Happy Halloween ALL!!!   Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
September 29, 2011

adult plastic pants

  These teddies bear plastic pants are adorable aren’t they? I need some for my cloth diapers and I wouldn’t mind putting them on a diaper lover or adult baby either. Usually, I wear disposables myself, but every now and again I want to slip on some adult cloth diapers. Maybe these would be cute for an ab boy in diapers and Mommy could get her some girly ones huh? How many pairs of plastic pants for adults do you have in your drawer?   Mommy Josie Ab dl Mommy Phonesex
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