April 30, 2012

Adult Baby Diaper Lover Chat Party

Let me give a big shout out to all my Adult baby family Mommy Ava is fist pumping the air and rapping to you.. YO YO What up what up all you aby’s Time to get going and see the mommies. The whole neighborhood is invited Aby’s , Sissies, and panty boys too. Doesn’t matter how old you are Just come and join in the abdl fun! All the mommies will be there too I expect lots of dirty diapers and naughty babies too so make sure you bring some Diapers, and wipes. And your paci too Party is strictly BYOBB   No RSVP needed just click HERE to enter adult baby chat
April 29, 2012

Listen up my abdl boys and girls

Listen up my abdl boys and girls I am very sweet mommy but I can get sour real quick if provoked Give me some naughty lip and this phone mommy just might take you over her knee. But then you might consider that a suprise treat and not a punishment for your behavior. So mommy would have to devise a whole new system of discipline insert wicked laughter here. We will just have to see what deliciously devious things I have in store for you. Mommy comes equipped with many tools of the trade from a vast array of diapers and rubber pants, paci’s, rattles, jumpers,changing table,pack and plays,cribs,strollers,basonetts, a ton of abie clothes and high chairs all the essential abie goodies! I also really enjoy teaching all manner of lessons to my abdl girls and boys in hopes that all my instructions are followed to the very letter I offer a reward for thoes who focus on my voice and do just what they are told. If you want your blankie that’s fine by me but leave room for mommy to coddle with you if you want. Mommy will have some nice patty cake games to play with you all ready. I will really enjoy all our playtime and make sure you do too. I figure I have piqued the curious nature of you my sweet abie. You are just a little dear and mommy loves to have you near. Good mommy is very glad and looks forward to talking to you and cuddling with you. Do not wait another minute to enjoy your mommy Crissy!! 1*888*430*2010 Yim:phonemommycrissy
March 28, 2012

Adult Babies in Space

      The Phone a Mommies landed safely, the craft’s hatch opened. Mommy Sara walked out first to inspect the area in which they had landed. She spotted a playground across the way and saw a bunch of young men. Perfect she thought these men would serve us Mommies well, they will make perfect adult babies. She rushed back to the craft to inform all of the other Phone a Mommies. They set their plan in motion and the ABMommies followed each one of them home and once nighttime fell they made their move. One by one each young man was beamed up into the craft. The spaceships AB Nursery was all ready, the Mommies were glowing with pride, the young men still a little sluggish from the hypnotic state they had been placed under. The young men were quickly changed into diapers, adultbaby pj’s and dresses, footies and mittens, bonnets and pacis and fastened into their cribs. The Phone a Mommies were all set for take off, counting down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 the craft launched shotting off into space the young men now adultbabies began to call out. The Phone a Mommies ran into the AB Nursery, they knew their adultbabies must have woke up with heavy diapers and hungry tummies. They were very fussy, but the Mommies were very capable of pacifying them. Some adult babies got spanked, some were made to stay in their dirty diapers, others drank from mommies breast very joyfully and still others played happily calling us “Mama”. The Mommies of course were ecstatic it was indeed a rewarding alienaby abduction. The space journey was a success, and the AB Mommies sat with their adult babies in space singing and planning for the next fun adventure! Mommy Sara 1_888_430_2010 YIM: phonemommysara  
February 13, 2012

AB/DL Mommy Valentines

I’m definitely looking forward to AB/DL Mommy Valentine’s Day.  This holiday is always a rough one. You might ask yourself why? It’s like everyone’s reminding the world of how important it is to have someone who loves you, needs you, and take care of your wants and needs.  It is the most extraordinary felling to have a special someone, to diaper you, feed you, and cradle you to sleep while rubbing your face ooh so gently like only a mommy could. Do you wish to have my special AB/DL Mommy Valentine’s?     ~Cali 1-888-430-2010
January 20, 2012

Little Sissy Babies!

Nanny usually takes care of little boys, and I love them like they were my own. Sometimes, though, I wish I had some little girls in the ab nursery to play dress-up, have a tea party, and play house. Instead of feeling sorry for myself I settle for something just as fun: I dress my boys up. Once in awhile I will find a little one that delights in playing along. I love that! I have also found that some little boys absolutely hate being done up fancy. Well who would have guessed that something so harmless as ribbon and frill could be so effective in getting bad, rough and tumble little boys to behave? The threat of being all dressed up like that for Nanny’s amusement is all the more terrifying because you know that I will follow through. Behave, or we’re going to play what I want to play! Bad little boys, especially rough boys with bad manners, need to be taught some finesse and Nanny needs to have her fun. Your Naughty AB Nanny Ella, 1-888-430-2010
December 28, 2011

There was an Old Woman…

Do you like nursery rhymes as much as I do?   Well here is my take on an old favorite:   There was an old woman, who lived in a shoe, She had some bad boys but knew what to do. She put them in dresses, all pretty in pink, And showed all the neighbors, and asked what they think. And just when they thought, things could not get worse, She put them in diapers, completing the curse. So heed this strong warning, to all who are sulky, I’ll make you wear ruffles, and diapers so bulky!   Your AB/DL Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
December 8, 2011

Be Careful What You Wish For

Sometimes I watch over boys that think they can sneak things by me – silly boys. Case in point: I was watching over one particular boy who would go next door to play. The boy there had a baby sister that was still in diapers, and when ever my charge would come back, he would scurry quickly by me and head directly to his room. He thought he was being so sneaky, that I wouldn’t notice what he was smuggling in under his jacket, but I knew! (the undeniable smell was a dead give away, hehe). Seems he enjoyed playing with the little girl’s used and messy diapers, so when I confronted him, I was quite sweet about the whole thing – right up to the point where I put him in one of those messy diapers…telling him that he was going to be in it for a full 24 hours AND use it as well! You should have seen his face! And when he tried to protest, I simply told him that maybe next time you will learn that you can’t slip anything by this Nanny, and you should be careful what you wish for – you just might get it! Your Naughty Nanny Ella 1-888-430-2010
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